You are a multidimensional Being; an incarnated expression of a vast Oversoul that is orchestrating various lifetimes throughout space and time.
You can rise above the relentless fear programs of the current reality matrix that keep you, your loved ones, and your clients from taking a meaningful step onto the pathway of higher Ascension. It is time to break free from the limits that have you bumping up against the ceiling in your life and in your healing practice.
Learn the higher truths behind the esoteric concept of 'Aligning with the Higher Self,' as the release of karma, judgment, expectation, and fear, combined with the integration of Divine Aspects of oneself sets the individual on the path to aligning fully with themselves at Source. This awakening and alignment provide a unique opportunity for the individual to achieve the level of spiritual mastery, purity and integrity necessary to attain an even higher level of Ascension – Soul Sovereignty as a free cosmic citizen.
Whether you decide to become a healer or, simply use Marconics frequencies to further your own personal Spiritual journey - you will be forever transformed after attending.
After receiving your own personal attunement, the ‘Quantum’ Recalibration, you will anchor ascension frequencies to the Earth, assisting others by entrainment to align and raise their own frequency.
As a Marconics practitioner, you will serve as the 'Ascension Bridge', as we co-create an environment that can enable you to come into a deep and meaningful alignment with your Soul-Self at Source as you facilitate the opportunity for others to download, assimilate, and integrate higher Ascension energies into their physical body!
"You are the captain of your soul, chart your course with deliberate intent. This is a story without an ending; if you don’t raise your vibration to match the reality you choose, you will simply be subject to the reality that your lower vibration entrains to."
- Alison David Bird, C.Ht - Originator of Marconics
Level 1 - 'No Touch' Practitioner Training ~ Information
This exciting and expansive course spanning such topics as: The Origins of the Shift into the New Age, The Development of Lightbody, The Body Hologram, and healing through the Unified Field.
Become certified in the Marconics Level 1 'No-Touch' Healing Protocol, which can be used for self healing, or in a private healing practice.
The ‘No-Touch’ Healing Protocol is the Evolution of Energy Healing, and can be performed as an on-going therapy. It raises the individual's vibrational frequency by running Marconic Energy - encoded with Light information - through selected points on the body’s own Axiatonal grid, triggering profound spontaneous healing.
The goal of a ‘No-Touch’ session is to raise your frequency so high that you have an opportunity to connect to Higher Dimensional Aspects of Self.
Post session, the client's vibrational frequency will gradually settle into a higher resonance having achieved incremental lift in base vibration, according to the person’s individual Spiritual evolution.
Repeated sessions will raise your vibration incrementally to incorporate higher activations as you shed density and karmic imprints.
Learn about:
🔹Healing Through the Multi-Dimensional Holographic Body
🔹Integration of Higher Soul Identities; Reunification/Oneness
🔹Activation of 144-Strand DNA
🔹Lightbody/Merkaba Mechanics
🔹Soul Sovereignty
Pre - Requisites
No prior energy healing experience is needed.
Receiving the Marconics 'Quantum Recalibration' is a pre-requisite for all attendees of Level I Classes. If you have not yet received one, we can schedule one for you at the event.
When you register for class, you can add your personal 'Quantum' Recalibration appointment as well.
It is also recommended that you read the Marconics books, to provide you with foundational information.
United States
🔹'No-Touch': Level 1 ~ $550
🔹Quantum Recalibration: Personal Attunement ~ $333
🔹'No-Touch': Level 1 ~ $650
🔹Quantum Recalibration: Personal Attunement ~ $333
United Kingdom
🔹 'No-Touch': Level 1 ~ £444
🔹Quantum Recalibration: Personal Attunement ~ £333
Spain - España
🔹 'No-Touch': Level 1 ~ €390
🔹Quantum Recalibration: Personal Attunement ~ €250
REGISTER FOR CLASSES: United States ~ Level 1 'No-Touch'
You can register for Level 1 by using the buttons below - classes are listed by month.
If you need assistance registering, please contact us
If you have not already received a 'Quantum' Recalibration, we can complete one for you in class, to be performed by a Marconics Teacher. Use the last button below to add your Recalibration appointment before checking out.
After placing your deposit, your teachers will contact you via email to provide you with logistical details, including the event address. Balances for classes are due on the first morning of class.
This is required for class and can be completed at the event by your teacher if you've not already received one.
REGISTER FOR CLASSES - Canada ~ Level 1 'No-Touch'
You can register for Level 1 by using the buttons below - classes are listed by month.
If you need assistance registering, please contact us
If you have not already received a 'Quantum' Recalibration, we can complete one for you in class, to be performed by a Marconics Teacher. Use the last button below to add your Recalibration appointment before checking out.
After placing your deposit, your teachers will contact you via email to provide you with logistical details, including the event address. Balances for classes are due on the first morning of class.
This is required for class and can be completed at the event by your teacher if you've not already received one
REGISTER FOR CLASSES - United Kingdom ~ Level 1 'No-Touch'
You can register for Level 1 by using the buttons below - classes are listed by month.
If you need assistance registering, please contact us
If you have not already received a 'Quantum' Recalibration, we can complete one for you in class, to be performed by a Marconics Teacher. Use the last button below to add your Recalibration appointment before checking out.
After placing your deposit, your teachers will contact you via email to provide you with logistical details, including the event address. Balances for classes are due on the first morning of class.
Eres un Ser multidimensional; una expresión encarnada de una gran Supra-Alma que está interconectando varias vidas a través del espacio y el tiempo.
Puedes elevarte por encima de los implacables programas de miedo de la matriz de realidad actual que te impiden a ti, a tus seres queridos y a tus clientes dar un paso significativo hacia el camino de la Ascensión superior. Es hora de liberarte de los límites que te mantienen estancado en tu vida y en tu práctica de sanación.
Aprende las verdades más elevadas detrás del concepto esotérico de 'Alinearse con el Ser Superior', como liberación del karma, el juicio, la expectativa y el miedo, que combinados con la integración de los Aspectos Divinos de uno mismo colocan al individuo en el camino de alinearse plenamente consigo mismo en la Fuente. Este despertar y alineación proporcionan una oportunidad única para que el individuo alcance el nivel de maestría espiritual, pureza e integridad necesario para alcanzar un nivel aún más alto de Ascensión - Soberanía del Alma como ciudadano cósmico libre.
Tanto si decides convertirte en sanador o simplemente usar las frecuencias de Marconics para avanzar en tu camino Espiritual y personal - serás transformado para siempre después de asistir.
Después de recibir tu propia sintonización personal, la Recalibración 'Cuántica', anclarás las frecuencias de ascensión a la Tierra, ayudando a otros a través del entrenamiento a alinear y elevar su propia frecuencia.
¡Como facilitador de Marconics, servirás como el «Puente de Ascensión», mientras co-creamos un ambiente que te permita alinearte profunda y significativamente con tu Alma en la Fuente y facilitar la oportunidad para que otros descarguen, asimilen e integren energías de Ascensión más elevadas en su cuerpo físico!
"Tú eres el capitán de tu alma, traza tu curso con intención deliberada.Esta es una historia sin final; si no elevas tu vibración para que coincida con la realidad que elijas, simplemente estarás sujeto a la realidad a la que tu vibración inferior te arrastra."- Alison David Bird, C.Ht - Creadora de Marconics
Facilitado por la profesora avanzada Andrea Huse
Nivel 1 - Formación para profesionales Sin Contacto Físico
Este emocionante y expansivo curso abarca temas como: Los Orígenes del Cambio hacia la Nueva Era, El Desarrollo del Cuerpo de Luz, El Holograma Corporal, y la sanación a través del Campo Unificado.
Obtén la certificación en el protocolo de curación «Sin Contacto Físico» de nivel 1 de Marconics, que puede utilizarse para la autocuración o en una consulta privada de curación.
El objetivo de una sesión 'Sin Contacto Físico' es elevar tu frecuencia tan alto que tengas la oportunidad de conectarte con Aspectos Dimensionales Superiores del Ser.
Después de la sesión, la frecuencia vibratoria del cliente se irá asentando gradualmente en una resonancia más alta, habiéndose logrado una mayor elevación en la vibración base, de acuerdo con la evolución Espiritual individual de la persona.
Las sesiones repetidas aumentarán tu vibración gradualmente para incorporar activaciones más elevadas a medida que eliminas densidad y huellas kármicas.
Más información:
🔹Sanación a través del cuerpo holográfico multidimensional
🔹Integración de las Identidades Superiores del Alma; Reunificación/Unidad
🔹Activación del ADN de 144 hebras
🔹 Mecánica del Cuerpo de Luz/Merkaba
🔹Soberanía del Alma
Requisitos previos
No se necesita experiencia previa en sanación energética.
Recibir la 'Recalibración Cuántica' de Marconics es un prerrequisito para todos los asistentes a las Clases de Nivel I. Si aún no la has recibido, podemos programar una para ti en el evento.
También se recomienda que leas los libros de Marconics, para proporcionarte información básica.
- 'Sin Contacto Físico': Nivel 1 ~ €390
- Recalibración Cuántica: Sintonización personal ~ €250
Puede inscribirse en el Nivel 1 utilizando los botones de abajo - las clases están ordenadas por mes.
Si aún no has recibido una Recalibración 'Quantum', podemos completar una para ti en clase, que será realizada por un Profesor Marconics. Utiliza el último botón de abajo para añadir tu cita de Recalibración antes de pagar.
Después de realizar tu depósito, tus profesores se pondrán en contacto contigo por correo electrónico para proporcionarte los detalles logísticos, incluida la dirección del evento. Los saldos para las clases se deben pagar la primera mañana de clase.
Seleccione su opción de depósito
Haga clic aquí para consultar nuestra política de cancelación.
NIVEL 1: Formación para profesionales Sin Contacto Físico
2/1 - 2 Apache Junction, AZ - led by Robin Scalzo, Initiate Teacher
2/5 - 6 Nashua, NH- led by Leah Landry, Master Teacher
2/5 - 6 Austin, TX - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher
2/5 - 6 Burlington, ON, CAN - led by Melinda Asztalos, Advanced Teacher
2/22 - 23 Denver, CO - led by Tawney Pierce, Master Teacher
2/22 - 23 Mooresville, NC - led by Camilla McKay, Initiate Teacher
2/22- 23 Saratoga Springs, NY - led by Sabayo Matiku, Initiate Teacher
2/22- 23 Spokane, WA - led by Cindy Jordan, Initiate Teacher
2/26 – 27 London, England, UK - led by Reiko Mori, Master Teacher
3/1 - 3/2 Nelson, BC, CAN - led by Cindy Jordan, Initiate Teacher
3/29 - 30 Middletown, NJ - led by Sue Disakias, Initiate Teacher
4/2 – 3 Delray, FL - led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher
4/5 – 6 Salt Lake City, UT - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher
4/5 – 6 Broomfiled, CO - led by Kristi Cooley, Initiate Teacher
4/12 - 13 Danby, VT - led by Sabayo Matiku, Initiate Teacher 4/12 – 13 Airdrie, AB, CAN - led by Melinda Asztalos, Advanced Teacher
4/12 - 13 Ft. Collins, CO - led by Valerie Thomas, Initiate Teacher 4/26 - 27 Concord, NH - led by Melissa Poste, Initiate Teacher
4/26 - 4/27 Northborough, MA - led by Karina Muñoz
4/29 - 30 Austin, TX - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher 4/30 – 5/1 Somerset, NJ- led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher
5/3 - 4 New Paltz, NY - led by Sabayo Matiku, Initiate Teacher
5/17 – 18 Colorado Springs, CO - led by Tawney Pierce, Master Teacher
8/6 - 7 Saratoga, NY - led by Robin Landau, Master Teacher 8/6 - 7 Nashua, NH - led by Leah Landry, Master Teacher 8/9 - 10 Denver, CO - led by Tawney Pierce, Master Teacher 8/23 - 24 Austin, TX - led by Kristi Farmer, Master Teacher
10/8 - 9 Burlington, ON, CAN - led by Melinda Asztalos, Advanced Teacher
10/18-19 Manchester, VT - led by Sabayo Matiku & Karina Munoz, Initiate Teachers
チーム・ジャパン (左から右): 新井佐知子、中島佳織、乾由紀子、内谷順子、R E I(マスター・ティーチャー) 立脇由紀、近藤貴子、中島陽州
Deutschland - Levels 1, 2 & 3
Marconics Level 1, 2 & 3 Marconics Level 1, 2 & 3 Zertifizierungskurse sind auf Anfrage auch in Deutschland verfügbar und können sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch unterrichtet werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie Marconics-Lehrerin Andrea Huse per E-Mail, um einen Termin zu vereinbaren.
Europe - Levels 1, 2 & 3
Marconics Level 1, 2 and 3 Practitioner Certification Courses are available by request in Europe. Please contact Marconics Teacher Andrea Huse to host a class.
Cancellation Policy & Certification Terms:
Deposits and Final payments for class and appointments are Non-Refundable and Non-Transferable.
In order to receive certification, students must attend and participate for the entire classand demonstrate proficiency in the protocols.
Should you choose to leave prior to the completion of class, we reserve the right to withhold certification.