Begin your journey back to Source

 Explore Higher Consciousness 

& Spiritual Evolution

"Hail Traveler,

I have waited for you...

We have walked this path together, you and I...

and now the roads diverge and we must take the one less traveled.

You mapped the route before you came and left markers along the trail

as reminders of your mission, but you grew weary on the journey

and seeking shelter from the battle, you slumbered too long in the sun.

Now you are awakened by a thundering storm.

Have you have forgotten your covenant?"

- Grace Elohim, The Elohim Collective.

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Everything that came before has been in
preparation for this moment;
a step along the path.

Scale the Mountain and claim


• ACTIVATION of Spiritual DNA



“Whether you become a healer or not, you will
heal yourself, heal others & heal the planet

just by walking the Earth plane”

- Grace Elohim

  • MARCONICS Volume 1: The Clarion Call - $17.99

    The true account of the spiritual journey of two women with extraordinary soul contracts who discover that they are the incarnate leaders of an Atlantean rescue mission 56 million years in the making. This is the story of humanity’s origins, the illusionary constructs devised for our experiences on earth, and how we can break free and awaken to return to our true multidimensional nature.


    Author signed copies - paperback

  • MARCONICS Volume 2: Angels of Atlantis - $17.99

    Told from the perspective of galactic observers charting the orchestrated evolution of man, this cleverly crafted fictional narrative draws from channeled information and presents compelling evidence revealing the higher truth of humanity's origins and Earth's destiny.


    Author signed copies - paperback

  • MARCONICS: Manage Your Ascension Symptoms - $22

    An insightful guide covering a range of Ascension Symptoms, how they manifest, and how to survive them with Grace - and an ice pack.



    by Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird, C.Ht.   

    spiral bound booklet

  • MARCONICS: An Anthology of Grace - $22

    This thrifty little booklet contains 52 articles of higher wisdom and spiritual teachings - imparted to Alison during her own personal journey with Marconics - via the Elohim Collective, and previously published by the Sedona Journal.
    There is one for each week of the year.



    by Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird, C.Ht. 

    spiral bound booklet

  • MARCONICS: Spiritual Hygiene Playbook - $20

    A practical "How To" guide to empower you with quick and easy practices, tried and tested, and refined to match the current ascension situation and environment.  



    by Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird, C.Ht. and Co-Founder, Lisa Wilson LMT  

    spiral bound booklet

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*Spanish and Japanese Versions of The Clarion Call

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